Bale and straw attachments

Look around for the right attachment for the task. Right here, we have gathered a selection of all the interesting attachments that makes it possible to tailor your machine precisely to your needs. We can offer a wide selection of attachments, providing you with the flexibility and variation to get the maximum use-value out of your machine. Become inspired, experience the possibilities, and contact us if you do not find what you are looking for, or if you need us to create an innovate special solution. Click on the attachment below to view images and data sheets. We look forward to hearing from you ...

Manitou Bale spear
Manitou Bale spear foldable
Manitou Bale clamp (PBG 2x2)
Manitou Bale clamp (PBG 2x4)
Manitou Bale clamp(P2BG 2x4)
Manitou Wrapped bale clamp (PBE)
Manitou Mixed bale clamp (MBC)